Our Core Values: PACT

Our set of shared core values are encapsulated under our PACT which stands for Passion, Accountability, Creativity, and Trust. 

PACT is more than an acronym; it represents our collective commitment to becoming One Cebi. By embracing Passion, Accountability, Creativity and Trust, we lay the foundations for a workplace that is both fulfilling and successful.


Feel the passion to excel at what we do.

  • Employees are encouraged to bring their full energy and commitment to their roles.
  • This value encourages a mindset of persistence, resilience, and a willingness to go above and beyond in achieving objectives, even in the face of challenges.

Passion Value Cebi Group


Accept full responsibility for our decisions, actions and results.

  • It empowers employees to make decisions and encourages proactive problem-solving.
  • It fosters a culture of ownership, integrity, and commitment to excellence.

Accountability Cebi Value


Challenge. Propose. Improve. Innovate. At all times.

  • Our teams are encouraged to question the status quo and challenge assumptions.
  • It's about encouraging employees to think outside the box and challenge the boundaries of what is possible.

Creativity Cebi Value


Build a relationship of trust within our teams, with our customers and partners.

  • Encourage open and honest communication between team members.
  • It's about keeping our promises to customers and actively listening to customer feedback.
  • Being open and transparent about our plans and decisions with our partners.

Trust Value Cebi