Cebi Micromotors Switzerland receives a green label
In 2013, Cebi Micromotors Switzerland decided to take part in “CO2 & kWh reduced”, a nine-year program organized by The Energy of the Swiss Private Sector (EnAW), whose purpose is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2021.
The program set multiple emission targets not to exceed every year. For instance, in 2018, it was requested not to exceed 946 tCO2. That year Cebi emitted less than 564 tCO2. Throughout the nine-year program, Cebi Micromotors Switzerland implemented several actions to reach their objectives such as the use of residual heat from air compressors to warm the main building and thus eliminating fuel consumption, the purchase of new presses for the plastic department that need 30% less energy than the older ones, the installation of two die-casting heat recovery units, the replacement of old motors with new inverter motors or the renovation of the roof.
After nine years of hard work, Cebi Micromotors Switzerland is proud to say that they have reached their objectives by landing 35% below target. The total amount of CO2 saved during the program is 1813 tCO2. Thanks to this initiative, Cebi has received the 2021 EnAW label «CO₂ & kWh reduced» and is exempted from paying the CO2 tax. In compensation to the saved CO2, Cebi also received green certificates that the plant sold to members of the Klik Foundation for Climate Protection and CO2 Compensation that aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thus actively contributing to sustainable climate protection. This program has also demonstrated that the Swiss production plant is really advanced in terms of energy efficiency

A new program is scheduled for 2022 whose objective is to further reduce CO2 emissions. Cebi Micromotors Switzerland intends to participate in this second program and has already started to evaluate new proposals to continue their path towards a more sustainable future. Installing photovoltaic panels on the roof of the production plant is one of the main projects under discussion.
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